Understanding your National Grid bill is crucial if you're going to know what you're paying for, and find the best National Grid electricity rates. By knowing the charges and what you're paying for, you're better equipped to select the best alternate supplier and save money.

Account Information

Your bills will contain your name, address, amount owed and account number. You'll want to look this over each time you receive a bill to make sure it's accurate.

Previous Balance

The balance from your last bill, and whether your payment was received.

Current Charges

What you owe with your current bill.

Amount Due

How much you owe in total to be paid with your next bill.

The Energy Charge

Includes the renewable energy standard charge. This used to be outlined separately but is now included.

The Energy Efficiency Charge

Funds energy efficiency programs that can help people to lower their bills.

Delivery Services

The price you are being charged from National Grid to deliver your energy.

Supply Services

The price you are being charged by your alternate company or National Grid to supply your energy.

More On Supply and Delivery Services

For Residential electric suppliers NY, National Grid separates the bills, outlining supply and delivery separately. Supply Services refers to the portion of your electric service that you may have with a competitive supplier, rather than National Grid. The competitive suppliers can be companies that produce or generate electricity. Sometimes they are brokers that buy electricity in the wholesale market and sell it to residents. National Grid is always the delivery company. They deliver energy to you regardless of your competitive supplier.

Basic Service Charge

This is a monthly fixed amount after the first 3 terms. It includes the cost for reading and maintaining the meters. It also includes the cost for billing, equipment and maintenance.

Energy Usage History Graph/Gas Usage History Graph

A graph that allows you to monitor your energy/gas usage over the past 6 months and adjust accordingly.

Other charges/Adjustments

May be charged gross earnings tax.

Payment Stub

At the bottom of your bill you can find a payment stub that you use for paying your bill either in person or by mailing in. However, there are other ways you can pay your bill, so you may not need it.

National Grid Bill Pay Explained

  • General Service - mainly for small commercial and industrial customers. The average usage will be less than 10,000 kWh per month or 200 kW of demand.

  • General Service Demand - mainly for commercial and industrial customers. The average usage is more than 10,000 kWh per month and demand doesn't exceed 200 kW.

  • Time of Use - mainly for large commercial and industrial customers. The demand will be greater than 200 kW. Time-of-Use is based on-peak and off-peak hourly usage.

There are a number of ways you can save money on your National Grid bill. You could try going with an ESCO provider to get a better deal, or even choosing solar energy. The initial installations may cost more, but you'll save money over the long-term.