Save Energy with Spring Cleaning
Things are about to get hot and sticky, New York. According to the NOAA, our state is headed for a hotter and wetter than average summer. Therefore, spring is a great time to make some energy saving improvements to your upstate home. A few DIYs can cut your energy bills while you stay cool. So, let’s dig into our top 7 upstate spring cleaning energy saving tips.
Outdoor Cleaning Ideas for Energy Savings
Here are a few things you can do outside this spring to lower energy costs in upstate New York.
- Planting: a giant shady oak tree can lower cooling costs, but it’s not something you can add in an afternoon. You can, however, throw up a few trellises on the south or west side of your house and plant some fast growing vines to provide afternoon shade. Keeping exterior walls cooler can lead to less A/C use.
- Pruning: plants provide shade and other benefits, but also need maintenance. Prune plants right up against your house to maintain air flow. Also keep your A/C clear of encroaching growth. Additionally, trimming trees can protect your roof and funnel breezes toward your house!
- Cleaning: the outdoor unit of your A/C needs regular cleaning to stay at peak efficiency. You can remove the cover and clean away leave, sticks, and other debris. Also, clear vines and leaves from the soffit venting under your roof’s eaves. This helps circulate air into your attic and improves cooling efficiency.
Ideas of Energy Savings Indoors
Next up are four more energy saving tips to take care of inside the house this spring for added efficiency.
- Ventilating: the attic is a major player in cooling your home efficiently. According to EnergyStar, poor attic ventilation traps moisture and super-heated air, running up your energy bill. Make sure you have enough vents at the bottom and top of your roof for good airflow and lower energy bills.
- Changing: swap the air filter in your HVAC system twice a year or more. Filters clog up and limit airflow, making your system work harder. Vent covers in the house also get dusty and need cleaning. Be sure to dig a little deeper and remove vent covers to clean inside the vent as well.
- Sealing: stopping air leaks is a big energy saver. So, replace caulk around drafty windows to start. Also add weather stripping to doors. Don’t forget, your house will have other penetrations that need sealing, too. Even outlets on exterior walls can be sources of air leaks you should seal.
- Insulating: solid insulation is a foundation for efficiency. Adding insulation to walls can be a big job. However, adding it to your attic can be simple and effective. Just make sure you don’t cover attic vents! You can also insulate your water heater and pipes for more energy savings.
Cross all these projects off your spring cleaning list, and your energy savings will be through the well-ventilated roof! Not only will your electric bill be lower, your house will likely be more comfortable even on the hottest summer day. Check out more electricity news and information at