Recommended Plans in Bridgeport
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Average Rates & Usage in Bridgeport
In November, the average electricity rate in Bridgeport was 23.66¢ per kWh.
The average households monthly electricity usage was 466 kWh,
making the average bill around $110.
based on EIA Data as of January, 2025
All Electricity Plans in Bridgeport
Recent Customer Reviews
Cirro Saves Me Money
I have had my Cirro Account for about 5 years now. After the first year they lowered by lock in (fixed rate) by quite a bit and I just renewed today at 8.4 Cents per KW. My mom has been with TXU for 20 years... they have never offered her a lower KW rate. I love Cirro and would never change companies. I read some of the comments regarding deferrals. I had a referral once and they explained that they would take that months bill and spread it out over 6 months. There were no surprizes. They did exactly that and what a lifesaver it was. I pay my bill online and I have never had a single problem with this company. They email me when it is time to renew and the website is very easy to navigate when deciding which plan I wish to choose. Hope this helps! PS I also love the fact that they offer a plan that is 100% renewable wind energy and it is very economical.